Category: Open Access & Publishing

  • Creating Dynamic Research Papers or What I Learned from Scalar.

    Creating Dynamic Research Papers or What I Learned from Scalar.

              This past winter, I used Scalar to digitally publish my research on the 19th C British photographer Francis Frith and his street photographs of Cairo.  My interest in his photographs was inspired by the course The Sultan’s Palace taught by Dr. Nancy Um, Associate Professor of Art History, at Binghamton […]

  • What Would Digital Humanists Save?

    What Would Digital Humanists Save?

                I believe the choices presented in this scenario have parallels in our ongoing discussion of what constitutes the humanities, the digital, and the digital humanities. In other words, I would generally expect someone who greatly appreciates or is a student of the humanities to opt to save the book on the shelf. Similarly, I […]

  • Blogification of the Humanities

    One of the primary reasons I decided to take this course instead of others was not a compelling interest to study the humanities. There were many other alternatives in the same department that could offer that experience. Instead, I wanted to see if recent developments in the digital sphere in Economics would be applicable to […]