• Data Physicalization

    In choosing an image for our current homepage, Jackie Cahill (Project Manager and Communications Specialist at CUNY), selected the installation by Claudia Berger and Chris Allen Sula that greeted all HASTAC conference goers as we entered the main hall at Pratt Institute for “Critical and Social Justice” in June 2023. The work is a physical […]

  • Join the Collective – The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy

    Call for Participation The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks new members to join our Editorial Collective. We invite applications from graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in all fields who critically and creatively engage with digital technology in their teaching, learning, and research. We will be appointing both graduate student members and non-student members […]

  • CFP: Submissions for The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy special issue – Labor, Political Economy, and Activism

    Themed Issue 24: Digital Humanities: Labor, Political Economy, and Activism in the Age of Digital Mediation Issue Editors: Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue University Gabriel Hankins, Clemson University Anna Alexis Larsson, Indiana University The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work at the intersection of technology with teaching, learning, and research for a […]

  • Scholar Spotlight: Ian G. Williams

    Scholar Spotlight: Ian G. Williams

    Why did you apply to HASTAC? When I applied to HASTAC, I was in my second year in the PhD program in Social Welfare at the CUNY Graduate Center, taking an elective alongside required courses in social welfare policy and qualitative research methodologies. In my policy class I was exploring the emergence of an artificial […]

  • Call for Proposals: Advancing Inclusive Computational Research with Archives Research Compute Hub

    The Internet Archive invites applications to Advancing Inclusive Computational Research with ARCH. This pilot program will support less well-resourced organizations throughout the world with access to the Archives Research Compute Hub (ARCH) and thousands of web archive collections, technical support and training, and learning opportunities with a supportive cohort of peers.

  • CFP: On Gathering: Exploring Collective & Embodied Modes of Schol Comm (JEP)

    I’m pleased to share a new call for papers for a special issue of Journal of Electronic Publishing, called On Gathering: Exploring Collective and Embodied Modes of Scholarly Communication. Changes in scholarly communication have shifted the boundaries of where and how we share our work, and through which intermediaries. Still, even in more fluid forms […]

  • New Issue: JITP No. 22! General Issue: Looking Again

    Issue Twenty-Two: General Issue: Looking Again  Issue Editors: Courtney Dalton, Cornell University Benjamin Miller, University of Pittsburgh Michael Rifino, The Graduate Center, CUNY We are thrilled to announce Issue 22, our latest published issue on CUNY’s instance of Manifold! Read peer-reviewed and open-access articles that feature new conversations and deepen existing ones found in our archive, including […]

  • CFP: Themed Issue 23: The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Pedagogies and Praxes that Heal and Disrupt

    The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Themed Issue 23:  The Liberatory Legacy of bell hooks: Pedagogies and Praxes that Heal and Disrupt Issue Editors:Nikki Fragala Barnes, University of Central FloridaSummer L. Hamilton, Pennsylvania State UniversityAsma Neblett, The Graduate Center, CUNYKush Patel, Manipal Academy of Higher EducationDanica Savonick, SUNY Cortland The Journal of Interactive Technology […]

  • Graphic Representations of Colonial and National Masculinities in the South Asian context

    Can graphic art assign agency and divinity to its subjects? Their aim, through colors and symbols, is to enthrall its audience to a world of imagination, built on fragments of reality wove into engrossing plots. Characters in graphic plots are in constant motion, animated with action or depicting a deep-felt emotion. In many ways, children’s […]

  • Notes on Metaphor and the Figures of/on the Internet

    Notes on Metaphor and the Figures of/on the Internet

    For this blog post, I introduce a couple of key concepts (remediation, “user,” and metaphor) to start gesturing towards the actually complex role that metaphors play in the digital realm and in constructing our understanding of how digital and internet technologies actually work. This blog post was inspired by a lecture I gave to my […]