Category: Research
Creating Dynamic Research Papers or What I Learned from Scalar.
This past winter, I used Scalar to digitally publish my research on the 19th C British photographer Francis Frith and his street photographs of Cairo. My interest in his photographs was inspired by the course The Sultan’s Palace taught by Dr. Nancy Um, Associate Professor of Art History, at Binghamton […]
Spring 2017 Digital Project Review No.1: Marco Basile’s review of “The Liberated Africans”
The Liberated Africans Project Created and maintained by Henry B. Lovejoy, Richard P. Anderson, Daniela Cavalheiro, David Eltis, Suzanne Schwarz, and Daryle Williams. Reviewed Jan. 2017. Marco Basile, JD/PhD Harvard University From 1807 to the 1860s, Britain led an international legal effort to suppress the Atlantic slave trade, largely by securing treaties that […]