TEI Header XML tags
The file Header provides the critical metadata needed to identify and cite the file. It is composed of five major components. The fileDesc provides all the necessary information needed to write a conventional bibliography. It in many ways acts a bridge from the old, analog, paper world to the digital. The following four tags are […]
2 different culture
Transcribing on the Other Side
Over the weekend I had an assignment to transcribe one of the non-fiction writings from a currently incarcerated American. AKA, read a journal entry written by someone in prison. I’ve seen movies about people in jail, I’ve heard about it from people who had a short stint behind bars, I’ve read about it, and I’ve […]
Post your UX1 assignment here.
Books: Warning, Flammable
I love books! When I was younger I would read books at school, at home, in the car, anywhere I could. I loved holding books and hated having to change my position while lying in bed depending on whether I was reading the left page or the right. There is nothing like a printed book. […]
What to save from the fire: prioritizing texts
The library is burning to the ground, and you have time to save one thing: a book on a shelf, a digital photo of the book and its pages, or or the book or manuscript digitally transcribed (that is, typed into a computer file or files). Which one would you save and why? In imaging […]
What Would Digital Humanists Save?
I believe the choices presented in this scenario have parallels in our ongoing discussion of what constitutes the humanities, the digital, and the digital humanities. In other words, I would generally expect someone who greatly appreciates or is a student of the humanities to opt to save the book on the shelf. Similarly, I […]
HASTAC and Open Digital Badges
I tend to view academia and scholarship as a collection of disparate and departmentalized fields that interact at purely superficial levels. As a student who loves variety and dreads the idea of being forced to pick a specialization, I am pleased that HASTAC offers a forum through which scholars across an ever-growing number of fields […]
Blogification of the Humanities
One of the primary reasons I decided to take this course instead of others was not a compelling interest to study the humanities. There were many other alternatives in the same department that could offer that experience. Instead, I wanted to see if recent developments in the digital sphere in Economics would be applicable to […]