Category: Uncategorized
Data Physicalization
In choosing an image for our current homepage, Jackie Cahill (Project Manager and Communications Specialist at CUNY), selected the installation by Claudia Berger and Chris Allen Sula that greeted all HASTAC conference goers as we entered the main hall at Pratt Institute for “Critical and Social Justice” in June 2023. The work is a physical […]
Join the Collective – The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy
Call for Participation The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy seeks new members to join our Editorial Collective. We invite applications from graduate students, scholars, and practitioners in all fields who critically and creatively engage with digital technology in their teaching, learning, and research. We will be appointing both graduate student members and non-student members […]
CFP: Submissions for The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy special issue – Labor, Political Economy, and Activism
Themed Issue 24: Digital Humanities: Labor, Political Economy, and Activism in the Age of Digital Mediation Issue Editors: Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue University Gabriel Hankins, Clemson University Anna Alexis Larsson, Indiana University The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy (JITP) seeks scholarly work at the intersection of technology with teaching, learning, and research for a […]
New Issue: JITP No. 22! General Issue: Looking Again
Issue Twenty-Two: General Issue: Looking Again Issue Editors: Courtney Dalton, Cornell University Benjamin Miller, University of Pittsburgh Michael Rifino, The Graduate Center, CUNY We are thrilled to announce Issue 22, our latest published issue on CUNY’s instance of Manifold! Read peer-reviewed and open-access articles that feature new conversations and deepen existing ones found in our archive, including […]
Graphic Representations of Colonial and National Masculinities in the South Asian context
Can graphic art assign agency and divinity to its subjects? Their aim, through colors and symbols, is to enthrall its audience to a world of imagination, built on fragments of reality wove into engrossing plots. Characters in graphic plots are in constant motion, animated with action or depicting a deep-felt emotion. In many ways, children’s […]
Chapter 1: Fast Food Civil Rights
Today, McDonald’s has flooded every corner of the world with inexpensive fast food. But what is the untold story behind this legendary food chain? In a highly narrative tone, Marcia Chatelain paints the painful reality of the racial inequality and the fight for rights that dominated in mid-century America. Chapter 1 tells the success story […]
Chapter 4: Bending the Golden Arches
In her thought-provoking book titled Franchise, Marcia Chatelain comprehensively discusses a neglected but significant history of how the franchise giant McDonald’s encroached into the poorest and segregated African American neighborhoods. Although the franchise business model was federally supported by the national leaders Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon as a remedy to improve the economic […]
Discussion of Numbered Lives, Ch 4: Every Step You Take (Molly Mann)
This post is part of the HASTAC Scholars Collaborative Book Discussion on Numbered Lives: Life and Death in Quantum Media (MIT Press, 2018), by HASTAC Co-Director Jacqueline Wernimont. The book is available here. This post reviews Chapter 4, “Every Step You Take” and was peer-reviewed by Linda Luu. — As part of the larger context […]